Monday, October 27, 2014

Best Commercial on YouTube! Kobe vs. Messi (Turkish Airlines)

When was the last time you saw a great commercial in the TV or on YouTube, which caught your attention during the whole commercial?
Personally, I did not see one for a very long time; however when I saw the Turkish Airlines commercial with Kobe, and Messi I just could not stop watching it. Later on, this video became the most popular video commercial on YouTube with 139 million views. 139 million views is a huge number for a commercial, which was not even published during any major events.

Turkish Airlines is one of the newest major airlines, they have very new planes, and they have one of the most updated social media. They commerce themselves as the major airline who flies to more places than any other airlines. 

That is what they wanted to implement into their commercial, which ended up being brilliant. First of all, they use two people that a whole world knows. What a smart choice! Why? Because everyone in Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, Australia knows Lionel Messi, however in the USA where soccer is not the most popular sport, they have got Kobe who is one of the most popular athlete in North America. So they could already sell anything with this two person. However in the video, they could show all the amazing places all over the world you can visit with Turkish Airlines, and also during the video you can see their planes, lounges, crew, and onboard Internet accessibility.

Take a look at the commercial, I hope you will enjoy it.

It was the best commercial you ever seen from an airline, right? How did you like it? I would like to know your opinion!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Top 7 Social Media Trends in 2014

It is always a big question that who will be the winner by the end of the year? 
 In social media the trends are changing very quickly, new competitors appear almost every month. In the recent years everyone would think that Facebook will continue to dominate, however, Pinterest, Instagram, Vine, Twitter are building huge user base.

So what actually happens in 2014?
Forbes has an interesting article about the top 7 trends in 2014. Here are the most interesting ones.

1.) Investment in Social Media will become necessity, not a Luxury.
In 2014, 92% business owners recently mentioned that social media essential for them. However they are concerned how the measure their ROE on their social media efforts, and small businesses have trouble of finding well trained personnel for their social media.

2.)Image-Centric Networks Will See Huge Success?
Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat has been building their user base, and their user loyalty. For example even MTV announced that they will use snapchat to announce their nominees.

3.)LinkedIn major player in B2B!
Just in 2014 the usage rate of LinkedIn jumped from 28% to 57%.

4.) The rise in using micro-videos.
Companies are generating high customer awareness, by posting their short, but actionable commercials.Here is a great vine commercial from AT&T.

Social Media has very competitive environment, companies has to be very up-to-date with all their features, while their platform has to be very user friendly. I am personally impressed how LinkedIn could perform this growth during 2014.

Here is the link for the entire article!!!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Brand Marketing on Vine! How to sell yourself in six seconds

I think Vine is one of the most unique, and interesting social media site. It is so amazing how people can shrink a lot of information into six seconds. I think people who are uploading innovative Vine videos are very talented. Companies who are uploading catchy six second videos are fascinating.

I was reading a very interesting summary about vine and marketing, it starts with saying how companies have to get the message right. Some people think that you can't deliver it in six seconds, but yes you can, just like in 140 characters.

The following video is a great example of how a company can attract people in 6 seconds.


As the article mentions those videos have some characteristics. They have two important points, first that, they actually leave the door open for you to return. They make you feel that you want to watch their next video. Second, great video ads, make you feel the that your six seconds were worth for creativity.

As the conclusion of the article, as long as big brands such as coke, or Honda, or Samsung put their weight behind Vine, Twitter will keep adding features to the platform. Another conclusion is that a format which encourage creativity, and fresh perspective so well, will have no doubt to have a consistent sport among the content marketing services.

All in all, I am day by day very impressed from the most amazing Vine videos, and I have huge respect towards the creators.

To read the article, and to check out great vine ads!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

7 smart ways marketers are using Pinterest to drive sales

I am very new to Pinterest, as I just signed up for it. Therefore I took sometime to search through it, and explore its features. I really like it, it is almost like Instagram, but with a bigger platform, with all kind of things, what can catch your interest.

To share with you an attractive article, I choose one which shares with you the top things marketers use to really improve sales.

1.)Need to launch the actual Pinterest site, which knows what customers pinning about.
2.)Share Geographic Location-For example you can do that for travelers, for people who are planning a future wedding place or etc.
3.)Innovative Board Names-Just give creative names to your pictures or products
4.)Alert followers of Price Changes-customers love extra features, and they also love good prices
5.)Focus on Hobbies not products-need to have sufficient knowledge about customer preferences and hobbies
Very Important to focus on Hobbies!!!

6.)Be Transparent- people love to feel close to the company,
7.)Make it a competition- engage your customers with your products and services and reward them

To share my ideas about this article, I think has all the essential points how to market on Pinterest , however I think to be successful you need to have some unique characteristics. From all the seven points, I think the key one is the focus on hobbies and not on products. Customers can like products, but if you try to sell it in a way, that they can imagine themselves benefiting from those products and services then you are the winner.

If you want to see some examples just click on the link of the article!