Monday, October 13, 2014

Brand Marketing on Vine! How to sell yourself in six seconds

I think Vine is one of the most unique, and interesting social media site. It is so amazing how people can shrink a lot of information into six seconds. I think people who are uploading innovative Vine videos are very talented. Companies who are uploading catchy six second videos are fascinating.

I was reading a very interesting summary about vine and marketing, it starts with saying how companies have to get the message right. Some people think that you can't deliver it in six seconds, but yes you can, just like in 140 characters.

The following video is a great example of how a company can attract people in 6 seconds.


As the article mentions those videos have some characteristics. They have two important points, first that, they actually leave the door open for you to return. They make you feel that you want to watch their next video. Second, great video ads, make you feel the that your six seconds were worth for creativity.

As the conclusion of the article, as long as big brands such as coke, or Honda, or Samsung put their weight behind Vine, Twitter will keep adding features to the platform. Another conclusion is that a format which encourage creativity, and fresh perspective so well, will have no doubt to have a consistent sport among the content marketing services.

All in all, I am day by day very impressed from the most amazing Vine videos, and I have huge respect towards the creators.

To read the article, and to check out great vine ads!

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